Tourism Jobs


KiwiRail Tourism is a key business unit within KiwiRail.
Our tourism services operate under The Great Journeys of New Zealand brand and along with Interislander ferries and our Scenic trains, we are an integral link within the New Zealand tourism industry.

The Great Journeys of New Zealand brand is made up of our three iconic scenic trains;
Northern Explorer, Coastal Pacific and the Tranzalpine and also our three Interislander Cook Strait ferries; Kaitaki, Kaiarahi & Aratere.

Our Rail & Ferry services provide a seamless connection between the North and South islands, and to many spectacular destinations along the way and is a fantastic way to explore with hop-on-hop-off excursions, so our passengers can experience all that New Zealand has to offer.


While we do hire for roles in this area throughout the year the majority of our positions become available in the run-up to our Peak Summer period.

We will hire a number of positions across both our Scenic rail operations and also within Interislander. Predominantly these are customer facing service roles; we pride ourselves on offering not just "another mode of transport" but to ensure all customers enjoy an exceptional and unique on-board experience.

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Title Department Location Date Sort ascending
Project Manager - Interislander
Project Manager - Interislander General Mgmt Wellington, KiwiRail Holdings Ltd, NZ, 6011 23 Jan 2025
General Mgmt Wellington, KiwiRail Holdings Ltd, NZ, 6011 23 Jan 2025